My fair share of battles

Far share of battles post

I may be only 22 years old, but I have certainly had my fair share of battles, in the mental health sense.

I am almost certain my mental health is biological, mainly due to pretty much all my family seemingly suffering from depression or anxiety.

There is no shame in it, but it has led me to feel a bit different from the other people my age.

Maybe it is a predisposition that I see the world in such an ugly world but the way I see it, it is hard to be happy when there is suffering.

That’s my problem, I care way too much about others and not enough about myself.

I openly suffer from depression and anxiety, though it’s been suggested my issues may be more deeply routed, such as a personality disorder but this is yet to be diagnosed.

It has made my life very hard to navigate, at times it has felt like I am the universes personal punching bag.

which has untimely defeated my confidence and left me with low self-esteem.

I believe this is the cause of my binge eating and body dysmorphia.

I have been abused more times than any person deserves, in every way possible.

So I have been left with layers of trauma, so I struggle to trust people, and to understand how to communicate or socialise.

It can get very lonely because of this, as I am so isolated from the rest of the world.

There was a time when I managed my anger and pain through substance abuse, self-harm, and suicide attempts.

I just hated my life and didn’t have the energy to go on, it felt cruel that I had such a hard life when I have always done my best to be giving and kind.

Despite all of life’s trials and my crippling mental health, which now manifests in physical symptoms such as abdominal pain, bleeding, and severe nausea, I have learned to manage my emotions.

I can’t say exactly how I did it, but it did start just by learning to open up.

Talking about my feelings without feeling ashamed, and discovering that my feelings are entirely normal and that I am not a problem.

Doing this allowed me to reflect, to look back at my life and take the path that best reflected who I am deep inside, not this shell.

Sometimes it means turning people down, saying no, and seeming selfish, but this is a strength as long as you are always kind.

Once I learned to understand who I was and what I was feeling, my past became less heavy, and I became less bitter.

I took all the trauma and turned it into a learning experience which can help others, since becoming this advocate the help that I give others seems to help me.

It gives me a purpose, and that is vital to recovery, we all have one we just need to find it.

I work on myself every day  and I will clean as it gives me some productivity.

I write to make sense of my thoughts, and I jump on my living room trampoline to provide me with some much-needed endorphins.

It is a daily grind to recovery, some days I will forget to shower or to do something.

But that is ok and all part of dealing with my fair share of battles.

We can often be too hard on ourselves, forgetting that sometimes we just need to let ourselves rest.

In the next few months, I should be starting therapy, and I am so excited, it is something I need.

I will never be ashamed that I need professional health, I also take medication.

which has taken a while to get right, but it has helped me prevent those relapses.

The main thing is that I am now married, I live in my little home with our cat and dog and I live for myself.

I no longer abuse substances, I can hardly remember the last time I drank or smoked.

I’m over a year clean of self-harm, four years clean from suicide attempts.

I have achieved a healthy life with the most supportive little family and this is something I never thought was possible.

But it happened, and I believe everyone can achieve a more comfortable life if they try.

Sometimes it just starts with getting out of bed in the morning; little steps still reach the finish.

I’ve been struggling with my mental health again

Struggling with mental health antidepressants

I’ve been struggling with my mental health again, and I’m fed up with being used and abused for money or being there for someone when they have no one else.

Who’s there for me?

And why does it always happen to me?

Last week there was a mix up over a night out.

I was looking forward to a night out and even ordered some new tops from Boohoo.

A mate asked me to hang out with them and go to a few bars for a couple of drinks.

I had to pick up my car, so I told them that I would be out as soon as I got back.

When I arrived back home, I received a text message saying that they didn’t have any money and couldn’t do tonight.

Then I received another text message saying that they were in town with another mate getting free drinks.

Am I unreasonable to think that they could have invited me to join them?

I called that person and texted them, but they never answered.

I’ve been struggling with my mental health recently, and I thought I was getting back on track only to be almost caught out by another person who I’m told is using me for money and convenience.

They did, however, text me the next morning to say that they were sorry and would like to make it up to me.

Now I’m paranoid it’s another lie or sweetener so that they can carry on treating me like dirt.

I’m not a great judge of character when it comes to friendships; I always pick the ones who get drunk and start chatting up the men for free drinks and going off and ignoring me.

However, I’m too nice to not be friends with someone just because of gossip. I like to see the person with my own eyes.

Should I give them another chance?

I’ve also been struggling with my mental health, and I have this urge to spend big and go on another drinking spree.

I made myself sick, and they laughed at me

Trick Scales

Never did I imaging making myself sick until I did this every day and people laughed at me.

I was 13 or 14 years old when I first watched the movie “When Friendship Kills” like the girls in the film who made themselves sick I too was body-conscious having been called fat from an early age.

The girls in the film ate usually and made themselves sick and successfully lost a lot of weight.

I wanted to be like them. Slim and almost perfect, only they were too thin, and one of the girls in the film ended up dead due to a lack of food and alcohol.

I never saw this, and sometimes I still don’t see this.

I tried starving myself and ended up almost passing out.

It made me feel weak and a failure because I couldn’t handle going without a few calories.

When I went to school, I started starving myself and making myself sick.

This became regular until people began to notice. You wouldn’t believe the reaction I received; I told them I wasn’t feeling well, and this would continue every day.

A teacher questions me, and of course, I was good at blagging, so I told them it wasn’t happening and that I was okay.

People who I thought were my friends started laughing and making sick noises until I broke down and confessed.

My friends even came to my house once and watched me throw away my dinner and were almost in tears. I just told them that I wasn’t hungry, and I was full up.

The only thing that made me stop was when I threw up blood, and I got scared. I was all alone starving myself and making myself sick, with no one to talk to because people thought it was funny.

Today, I still hate my body and the way I look, and maybe the bad things that have happened to me are funny and all my fault.

My perception of the perfect body is still those girls who are too thin in other people’s eyes.

I no longer make myself sick, but occasionally starve myself and restrict myself to a certain number of calories per day.

Maybe I will never fully recover, but I will always hear them making sick noises and laughing at me.

It’s taken me years to write this post about making myself sick.

One of the reasons why I have finally gained the courage to write about this, let alone hit publish is because of a friend who has encouraged me to be myself.

Please note that this is a real-life story and that names and places have been changed to protect identities.

The nightmares I don’t remember when I wake

nighmares and dark sky

I know that what I’m about to say may sound a little bit strange, but I’ve been suffering from nightmares that I don’t remember having.

Since 2014 my parents have told me that I’m frequently suffering from nightmares, and when I’m asked about why I’m shouting in my sleep.

I can never remember why.

At first, they thought it was linked to the antidepressant called Prozac which I was taking; however, I have been taking Venlafaxine and Amitryptilin since May 2015, and I’m still shouting in my sleep.

Then we thought it was to do with certain times of the month and have since found out that it isn’t that either.

I tend to shout in my sleep whenever I have appointments coming up, such as the doctors or any event where I have to leave the house.

I try and stay awake as late as possible; sometimes, I even tweet in my sleep as I‘m afraid of losing followers because my dream is to be a social media influencer.

I hate sleeping because I get nightmares, but I have no idea what the nightmares are about, it’s like something is freezing them after I’ve had them.

Why is this happening to me? Am I crazy? It’s not something I can talk about because people will think I’m weirder than they already do and it’s not the norm to have nightmares, especially ones you can’t remember having.

I’m also half awake when having them, according to my mum, she said that I went to shout something out and she called me, and I answered her usually, despite being asleep.

I’ve been told that most of the time I’m shouting “No”, so I’m guessing the nightmares are something I’m either afraid of or I’m arguing about something that I disagree with.

If you or one of your loved ones is suffering from nightmares, especially nightmares they don’t remember, encourage them to talk to a doctor or Psychologist.

You can comment in the section below or chat with us on our social media channels or call one of our helpline numbers for advice.

My mind is buzzing, and the bees are too slow

Grans grave chime

Something doesn’t feel right!

My mind is buzzing full of ideas, and there isn’t enough time to get them out, I want something good to come and take off and take me away from all this.

It’s not happening fast enough, I need the blogs to take off, posts to go viral, and I need equipment so that I can start my Podcast. I need YouTube subscribers. I need a bikini body, more social media followers, more things to review on my blog, and a holiday.

I’ve been feeling a bit strange for almost two weeks, and I can’t explain it, it’s like I’m crashing.

I’ve been suffering from pain in the throat and fatigue with hot and cold sweats. Mood wise I’ve been irritable and impatient.

I haven’t been to the gym much since last Tuesday, as I missed Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday due to the snow and not feeling well.

I went back to the gym on Sunday, but I struggled with cardio, I didn’t go to the gym yesterday, but I went swimming.

Today I managed a HIIT session, and I ran a mile on the treadmill, but I was extremely slow.

I’m a little annoyed because I was supposed to be going to see my family with mum, but due to the snow and mum not feeling up to it our trip was cancelled again.

Mum isn’t off until June, so we now have to wait to see if she is well enough to travel in 3 months.

By then, she should have had her stent changed and maybe even her hip. I hope the hip operation doesn’t fall too close to the Ed Sheeran concert at Wembley on June 17th.

My uncle has stage three bladder cancer, and we are hoping that his chemo treatment will be over when we see him next.

He also has to have radiotherapy, which sounds a little scary.

Tomorrow would have been Gran’s 95th birthday, and I bought a chime for the grave.

This Sunday is also Mother’s Day, but Mum has to work as she couldn’t get the day off.

I remember March 2009, when mum and I spent the day before Mother’s Day with Gran, and we watched Ireland win the Six Nations grand slam.

We went home on Mothering Sunday that year, and it was also the last Mother’s Day gran ever had.

If you are experiencing similar symptoms and your mind is buzzing too fast, comment in the section below or join us for a chat on our social media channels.

Trusting people with my mental health

Letting people in sign

I’ve been keeping myself to myself, but I’ve also been talking to lots of people lately, and I’m unsure when I should be trusting people with my mental health.

I’ve been burnt badly in the past with people using me for money, gifts, and lifts and for someone to hang out with when they aren’t getting on with their partners.

One minute I’m the centre of attention and everyone looks up to me, the next I’m enemy number one.

I don’t have trouble making friends; it’s keeping them.

Some people have gone cold on me without reason, they just stopped contacting me and ignoring me when I’m not sure what I have done wrong?

I have terrible paranoia, and I hate being in crowded places unless I’ve had a few drinks to get me in the party mood.

One of the main reasons I became self-employed is because I can’t work with people as they tend to go off me after a while.

I usually say or do something that most of us would say is crazy, extreme, insane, or just wrong.

My moods are generally high or low, although sometimes I can appear stable, and my work and ideas can range from good to bad depending on my moods.

I have been told that I might have Bipolar 2, although this hasn’t officially been diagnosed.

At the moment I have an incorrect diagnosis, I don’t even know what my mental health illness is?

I’ve made friends with people whose husbands and children have taken an instant dislike to me, and at my age, most people have husbands, boyfriends, best friends, and children.

They will probably think I’m a bit strange and I can’t tell them the reasons why I don’t have those commitments.

If they find out about my shady past, they definitely will think I’m weird, and I’m torn between pushing people away and letting them in?

I wouldn’t say I like the way I look, I hate my figure, and I usually confine myself to my bedroom or the gym nowadays.

I’m not good at judging people, so it’s easy to use and abuse me, and I’m worried people will find out about my mental health and stop wanting to hang out with me.

Or they might only be hanging out with me for lifts to and from places or some other sinister reason?

Does anyone have any advice on when I should be trusting people with my mental health issues?

Please comment below or start a conversation over on our social media channels.

Coming off probation after two years

I can’t believe I’m coming off a 2-year probation period after what feels like forever in therapy, hate, nightmares, anger, and disappointment.

Two years ago, on February the 15th 2016, I was charged with perverting the course of justice and Assault.

I should never have been arrested because I have a mental health issue that was and still is undiagnosed.

I also had solicitors who were so unsupportive that they allowed this to happen and made me plead guilty to a charge I have no recollection of and one that I was completely innocent of.

I was made to pay the price for having a mental health problem, just because someone who I thought was my friend made a false complaint against me, it was fake, so that charge got dropped!

There’s more, her friend, who I also thought was a friend of mine, has a husband who is a policeman and she again turned against me. Yes, how convenient!

Her exact words were “Nothing is ever good with you”. I should have these words tattooed to my wrist haha!

I’m not sure why the corrupt CPS charged me with perverting the course of justice when at the time of the incident there was no case to answer to!

The whole thing was a joke.

Another person only received a four-month suspended sentence because they said someone made them do it. Yet my mental illness makes me forget things easily.

I was also accused of punching a police lady, yet there were three of them attacking me, and I have a bulging disc in my back because of them!

What I have learned from probation

The probation system is exceptionally disjointed and a complete waste of time. After my first year, I was put on telephone calls once every six weeks. When this happened, I never heard from probation until six months later when a lady sent me a letter saying that I had missed a telephone call with her and that I was being put back on supervised visits.

After my 12 sessions of rehabilitation had finished, I wasn’t told that I had to be under supervision for the whole two years! Also, I wasn’t aware that sessions with an offender manager were compulsory and didn’t count towards the rehabilitation sessions.

My offender manager changed twice, and the 2nd lady I had referred me to careers. The careers lady suggested I apply for a master’s degree, which I spent, time doing. I was accepted onto the masters. However, I wasn’t told that there was no funding available for people who have degrees and that I would have to apply for a loan to take up the offer until I questioned the careers advisor.

I also asked the last lady who was making six weekly telephone calls to me if there were any courses she could recommend that were free for me to brush up on my skills. I also asked her if she could help me get a computer chair because of my back pain, and she told me that there were no free courses for someone with my level of education and that didn’t know and couldn’t even suggest where I could get one cheaper.

I’ve learned how disjointed and corrupt government services are and money talks. People without money are told what to do and don’t have a say unless they have money to buy themselves out of the situation.

Have you or someone you know ever gone through probation? Let us know your experiences of probation in the comment section or on our social media channels.

Please note names have been changed to protect identities.

Single on Valentine’s Day reasons

Valentine's Day rose

I’m single on Valentine’s Day due to an undiagnosed mental health disorder, and it’s been this way for a long time.

One of the main issues I have is paranoia which tells me that love is an illusion it’s not real, it doesn’t last, after all, nothing’s forever right?

We live, breathe and die, that’s just life! It happens to us all.

I wouldn’t say I like hearts and flowers, and I love writing sarcastic poetry about love and Valentine’s Day.

There’s a dark side to me that is so deep that no one will ever love me because of what I am and who I’ve become.

Valentine’s day is a capitalist rip-off, another way for businesses to gain more revenue from the sales of cards, chocolates, jewellery, and roses, etc.

If you love someone, why not treat them all the year-round, instead of waiting for one day a year?

If I want a gift, I don’t need a man to buy me one. I can buy myself presents, just like I do at Christmas and on my birthday.

Even people who have partners refuse to be drawn into the whole Valentine’s marketing ploy.

An article in the Daily Mail, Valentine’s cards for husbands, are being sold for 50p more than those available for wives in Sainsbury’s despite their almost identical appearance.

Shopper Julie Marlow spotted the price difference at a supermarket in Cornwall, complaining that she had to pay £2.50 for a card to her other half while he would only have to fork out £2.

I’m not lucky I believe I must be cursed to be on this rollercoaster, many people would describe as life!

I’m not your typical 35-year-old with a husband, children, house, and career.

What will I be doing on Valentine’s Day?

To me, it’s just another day so that I will be going to the Gym and filming a YouTube vlog.

It comes and goes just like any other day; it makes no difference to me.

In the evening I will curl up on the sofa and read a good book or watch some YouTube channels, I’m not one for reading romantic novels or crying into my wine and watching sad romantic films.

Let us know what your plans are?

Are you single on Valentine’s Day?

Please comment below or on our social media channels.

New Dri-fit Nike Gym gear

Nike Dri-fit black top

Before Christmas, I purchased some cool new Dri-fit Nike gym gear for my daily trips to the leisure centre.

As Nike had been sending me lots of 20% off sale emails, I finally caved in and decided to treat myself to some new gym wear because I didn’t have enough tops or trousers to wear.

The weather has been so wet recently, which means that the clothes aren’t getting washed and dried as frequently and I go to the gym six or seven days a week.

A few months before December, I had purchased some Nike Dri-fit trousers in the sale, and I love the fact that they dry quicker than my other gym trousers.

Yes, Nike Dri-fit is a bit more expensive than other sports brands.

However, if you are like me and would like to stay dry and comfortable in the gym instead of hot, sticky, and sweaty, you will pay a bit more for better comfort.

What is Dri-fit Nike Gear?
Nike Dri-FIT is a high-performance, microfiber, polyester fabric that moves sweat away from the body and to the fabric surface, where it evaporates.

As a result, Dri-FIT keeps athletes dry and comfortable. It’s also quicker to dry in wet weather.

Nike Power Legend Women’s Training Tights
The leggings keep me nice and warm when walking to and from the gym and when attending my HIIT classes outside in the winter.

However, they are a little bit too hot to wear in the gym, and I prefer wearing my lighter training leggings.

I thought that my legs would look like tree trunks in fitted leggings; however, this is not the case in these trousers.

Nike Dry Women’s Training Tank
I love this top because it’s light and not too hot or cold to wear to the gym and being a Dri-fit top it drys quick, so I’m not soaked in sweat when working out.

I prefer wearing tops without sleeves as I tend to sweat a lot when working out.

I got the top in a larger size because I’m not comfortable with my weight, so I like loose-fitting tops.

Nike Classic Padded Botanical Fresh Women’s Medium Support Sports Bra
I needed another sports bra because I only own 4, so I went for a medium support bra that fits well and is comfortable to wear to the gym and my HIIT classes. I wear support bras underneath my tops

Have you tried out Nike gym gear?

Let us know your thoughts in the comment section or over on our social media channels.

Children’s Mental Health Week 2018




This week is Children’s Mental Health Week, so we are highlighting the importance of funding and research needed in the UK for both children’s and adult’s mental health.

Did you know that 1 in 10 children and young people in the UK experience mental health problems?

According to mental, a worry 70% of children and young people who experience a mental health problem have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age.

Most children grow up mentally healthy, but surveys suggest that more children and young people have problems with their mental health today than 30 years ago.

That’s probably because of changes in the way we live and how that affects the experience of growing up.

Here’s a story about a girl who committed suicide published last year in the Daily Mirror.

A heartbroken mum whose daughter took her own life after being bullied on Snapchat. Megan Evans, 14, was found dead at her home after a secret battle against cyber-bullies that she kept from her parents.

Children are now in a society where technology runs everything, and if you haven’t got the latest phone or computer, your child could be at risk of being bullied just for that reason.

There is also a lot of online bullying, which can lead to many children and young people trying to or taking their own lives.

The Cyberbullying hotline claims that 42% of teenagers with tech access report being bullied online over the past year.

Of the 69% of teens that own their computer or smartphone, 80% are active on social media with the average teen sending 60 texts per day – reducing face-to-face communication skills.

Other children like Elle Homes take their own lives despite showing no signs of being depressed.

The Teenager was just 15-years-old when she took her life.

In the Daily Express, her mother described her as “a dream child”.

Elle Holmes is described as a brilliant, popular, and gifted schoolgirl who showed no signs of depression in the run-up to her sudden death.

Her mother Leigh said the youngster had a “spiral into darkness” that occurred over just a few hours where she became overwhelmed and “snapped”.

She later discovered her daughter had been visiting pro-anorexia websites and was self-harming as she suffered modern pressures surrounding her image.

“I don’t know why my loved, brilliant, popular, talented, funny baby made that decision. She left no note.

“She said nothing to the little brother she adored or to her boyfriend, or her close inner circle of friends.

“There was no long-suffering depression, or slow descent into despair.

“The spiral into darkness seemed to occur over just a few short hours as her mind became overwhelmed, and snapped.

“People who saw her in the weeks, days, and hours before her death would have said that she was a child suffering from depression.”

Sadly too many children are suffering from mental health due to the changes in today’s society such as peer pressure, social media, and the media.

What’s even worse is that there isn’t enough research and funding into mental health and therefore there isn’t a cure, and there aren’t enough facilities for mental health patients both old and young to get the help that is required.

Will you be taking part in Children’s Mental health Week 2018?

If you have a child who is suffering from mental health, please email