“Believe in yourself”.Today is Time to Talk Day, and I’m writing this post in case my depression returns, and I become unmotivated and disheartened.
Every day may look the same, but it’s different, and you can make a difference by achieving the impossible.
Keep going to the gym even if you don’t have the energy to get out of bed.
Remember the progress you made when you were too afraid to go out of the house, let alone go to a class or the gym by yourself.
When you had set up your blog, but you took a year and a half to start writing because you were afraid that no one would be interested in what you had to say.
Now you are an award-winning blogger and a Vuelio UK top 10 mental health blogger.
You took over a year to finally launch that YouTube channel. OK, so you don’t have many subscribers yet, but just like the blogs, an audience takes time.
As long as you put out content that you enjoy making who cares!
Just because your past has been plagued with bad things doesn’t mean it will always be this way.
Ignore the demons and remember they are only voices that you can blank out.
You aren’t the rich rock star you dreamt of being, and you can’t work with people in an office or a shop.
That life’s not for everyone, keep playing that guitar and building your business slowly, and the clients and the money will come.
Everyone else is getting married, promotions, buying houses, and having children, it’s not a race. Everyone grows at different times.
When you think of all the people that have left, betrayed you, and hurt you, don’t cry they’re not worth your tears.
Every hit or run you make is your revenge for your pain.
When you want to go somewhere and have no one to go with, think of something that you can do by yourself.
Never think that you need people to make you happy!
Keep believing in yourself, even when the sun has gone down, and the lights have gone out, and you lie in bed thinking what could have been?
Keep going to the gym, going to classes, swimming, blogging, and making content, and the rewards will eventually come.
You were born to create and innovate, not to hate and waste away.
Remember, it can still happen! Just believe in yourself!