Help support a mental health sufferer promote their Kickstarter campaign “A Journey to Hope”.
Katie Houghton set up a Facebook page for those who suffer from mental health or know someone who does https://www.facebook.com/mentalhealthrecoveryhope/.
She sends “Happy Posts” to those struggling with mental illness (Free and funded totally by her with some help from
People who occasionally donate stamps)
She said:” I have written a book based on my mental health journey that I hope to get published whether self-published or otherwise I want to get my story out there to raise awareness on mental health!
It’s something that is extremely important to me and has been a very long time coming!!”
She added: “From growing up in less than desirable circumstances to my battle with anorexia, three inpatient admissions, some terrible NHS treatment that needs highlighting.
Then another struggle to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder which was initially ignored by the NHS after a private diagnosis which resulted in 3 further inpatient admissions.
I feel the need to try and get an honest account out there!
“However! To do this it needs editing, and this isn’t something I can do by myself, and so I have set up a Kickstarter to try and raise some of the funds to towards this!”
Check out her Kickstarter campaign page.
Any donations are not given to Katie herself unless the goal is reached, so it’s an all or nothing campaign.
Money is not taken until the campaign has finished and if she hits the full target she has an editor waiting help get her story out there!
It is so hard these days to get a message out there, and Katie is hoping you will be willing to share and support her!