How useful is Fearne Cotton’s Happy?

Several Looneychick Blog readers wanted me to review Fearne Cotton’s Happy.

Having listened to Fearne Cottons podcasts and many people raving about her books, I decided to see what the fuss was about.

I liked the little exercises and illustrations in the book.

However, it doesn’t offer anything new regarding mental health solutions, and everyone is different.

I purchased Happy off Amazon for £3, and it was definitely worth the read.

Still, I’ve reviewed many better books than this as Fearne’s issues are a lot different from my own experiences.

This book touches on essential topics such as eating healthily, making time for yourself, meditating, yoga and taking time off technology.

The exercises are probably more helpful for people who suffer from mild depression and anxiety.

I’m not sure if adding celebrity comments help because they have the money and facilities that everyday people don’t have access to.

Unfortunately, mental health is still taboo, and nothing helps unless you have money, and I’m talking thousands of pounds to access clinics.

Even getting a private therapist doesn’t make a difference. I saw a Bupa Phycologist for a year, but that person just took notes and could still diagnose me.

The truth is more research is needed on this subject.

I also still get judged on how my mental health impacts me and its effect on my past.

Many people have unfriended me due to this.

No matter how hard I apologise or try to explain, I’m never forgiven or believed.

Fearne is lucky to help a partner, kids and friends who support her.

For example, more in-depth mental health issues, schizophrenia and bipolar, would need to go deeper into the things Fearne mentions in the book.

Some of the best points in this book are the great yoga poses for beginners and healthy salad recipes.

Have you read Fearne Cotton’s Happy? What are your thoughts on this and if you haven’t read the book will you be reading it?